Earthcrew supplies in bulk wholesale quantities:
FCL = Full Container 20 and 40 foot
FTL = Full Truck Load
LTL = Less than a Truck Load
LTP = Less than a Full Pallet
Single Bulk Bags = 50 pounds

Wholesale natural organic soil fertilizers including kelp, mycorrhizae, NPK, guanos, humic and fulvic acids.
- About Us
- Agrogeology Farming with Rocks
- Animal Feed Additives
- Bacillus subtilis non GMO
- Bat and Seabird Guano
- Bio-priming of Seeds
- Blog Post
- Calcium 8%
- Catalog
- Chitosan Oligosaccharide Powder (soluble)
- Coco Coir
- Corn Steep Powder
- Cover Cropping
- Endo Ecto Micronized
- Endo Granular
- Endo/Ecto Granular
- Feather Meal Soil Fertilizer
- Fish Soluble Powder
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fulvic Acid Powder 90% EPA Registered
- Fulvic Acid with Seaweed
- Hume/Basalt
- Humic Acid 12% Concentrate
- Humic Acid Leonardite
- Humic Acid Powder Leonardite
- Humic Acid w/Seakelp
- Humic, SK & AA Blend
- Icelandic Sea Kelp
- Kelp Meal Fertilizer
- Liquid Iron 6%
- Micro Hume
- Micronized Mycorrhizae
- Micronutrients w/Food-Grade Sugar
- Mycorrhizae Crop Inoculum
- Natural Soil Fertilizers
- Neem Cake
- Nitro Plus Amino Acid Powder
- NPK Liquid Concentrates
- Pecan Biochar
- Perlite & Vermiculite
- Phosphorus Concentrate
- Post-Harvest Fertilization of Tree Crops
- Pure Worm Castings
- Quillaja Saponaria
- Resources
- Revitalizing the Soil
- Sea Kelp Extract
- Sitemap
- Soil Additives
- Soluble Humate Granules
- Sugar Chelated Fertilizers
- Tea Leaf Compost
- Vermicompost Extract
- Video Library
- What is it with Weeds?
- Wholesale Catalog
- Yucca Schidigera & Quillaja Saponaria