Solutions for Emerging Environmental Conditions [email protected]

Climate Migration: The Unseen Exodus

The great climate migration has already begun. The number of people fleeing their birth country is expected to grow over the next thirty years, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Experts warn: governments and the international community must act now.

Can Dirt Clean the Climate?

An Australian start-up is hoping fungi can pull carbon dioxide from the air and stash it underground. It’s one of several ventures trying to deploy the superpowers of soil to slow global...

Made of Salmon

Made of Salmon Salmon tell a powerful story of connection. From nourishment to culture, our lives and ecosystems are interwoven with salmon. If we lose them, we lose far more than fish. If we help them recover, we strengthen the invisible threads that connect all...

The Soul of Soil

In some parts of the world, intensive farming, overgrazing and deforestation are destroying soil up to 1,000 times as fast as the base line rate of erosion. If current trends continue, 90 percent of the planet’s habitable land areas could be substantially degraded by...
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